Monday, December 13, 2010

Exercises for Juxtaposition

Exercise 1

Choose three pairs of number from group one and three pairs of number from group two. Merge each pair of them together. Write a sentence by using the words given and draw pictures for each of the group:

 Group 1               Group 2

1. Flower             0. Head
2. Lightning          9. Rain
3. Ice                   8. Wood
4. Light                7. Tree
5. Fire                  6. Spider
6. Duck                5. Root
7. Dog                  4. Mountain
8. Oil                    3. Wind
9. Leave               2. Rock
0. Fly                    1. Water
The number I had chosen was:

12: Flower Rock
32: Ice Rock
90: Leave Head

 Write a sentence by the words given:
There is a flower growing out of the rock.

 The ice is as hard as a rock.

There’s a leaf on its head.

Combine the words and create a new thing:
Flower rock

Ice rock

Leaf head (leaf=leave)

Exercise 2

How mergers go wrong. Choose two different animals, combine and merge their characteristic together to make an new animal that people didn't see it before. Draw a picture for it. The chosen animals must be the animals that can't live when they stay together.

 Fish and bird combine.

Exercise 3

Create a passage/writing that describes the concept of “Love”.

Love is like chilli,
Sometimes you like it,
Sometime you hate it,
But you always looking for it,
Because you can’t live without it,
Love is like chilli.

 Life is like a candle, the longer its burn the shorter it will last.

 You make me drool all over with your sweet taste of pleasure despite the pain you cost me.


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